
Complaint Procedures

       At Gnuse Law Office, P.C., we are committed to providing excellent service to our clients. We value your feedback and strive to resolve any concerns promptly and fairly.

How to File a Complaint

If you have a complaint about the services provided by a staff member at Gnuse Law Office, P.C., you can submit it in the following ways:

  • Email:  You can submit your complaint in writing to Wolf M. Tattenbach at
  • Phone:  You can call Wolf M. Tattenbach directly at (402) 881-0717.

What to Include in Your Complaint

Please include the following information in your complaint:

  • Your name and contact information (phone number and/or email address)
  • A brief description of the issue or concern
  • The date(s) the incident(s) occurred
  • The name(s) of the staff member(s) involved (if known)
  • Any other relevant details that may help us understand your complaint

Complaint Review Process

       We will promptly review your complaint once received.  Wolf M. Tattenbach, or a designated member of the firm's management team, will investigate the matter and attempt to resolve it to your satisfaction.

We will contact you within 14 business days to discuss your complaint and explain the next steps.

Additional Options

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of our internal complaint process, you always have right to file a complaint with the Nebraska State Bar Association.

You can find more information about the complaint process on the Nebraska State Bar Association website:

We appreciate your feedback and the opportunity to address your concerns.